Training & Yoga

Yoga For Hypothyroidism Reversal Naturally

Hypothyroidism disorders are very vast on their own, which needs regular treatment but except for medications, some yoga asanas like Sarvangasana, Ustrasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana have proved to be beneficial in reducing hypothyroidism.

Thyroid disorders are quite common in people all across the globe. The thyroid may be a small gland within the throat that secretes hormones. Hormones secreted by the ductless gland are accountable for the body’s metabolism, temperature, and growth. There are basically two styles of thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. While the previous is characterized by the endocrine being unable to supply enough thyroid hormones.

The latter occurs as a result of the endocrine gland releasing an excessive amount of hormones. Yoga asanas are considered to be a good natural remedy for addressing thyroid disorders. While it should not be able to cure the condition instantly, it can help keep the glands healthy and regulate metabolism, thereby preventing to any extent further complications. A study stated that 6 months of intense yoga helped women with hypothyroidism and reduced their need for thyroxine medication.

Here are some yoga asanas which might help in effectively reducing hypothyroidism. These yoga poses can help in strengthening muscles and also reducing the effects of hypothyroidism on the body.

1.Viparita Clerk (Inverted Pose)

This pose is also known as the legs at the top of the wall pose. It is helpful in various ailments including hypothyroidism. It increases blood flow to the thyroid gland and regulates thyroid function. Besides, this pose has a refreshing effect. It also helps to relieve stress, treat insomnia and fight anxiety.

2.Sarvangasana (Shoulder position)

Sarvangasana or shoulder position helps maintain the body’s dominant system – the endocrine system. It has pressure on the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland receives the largest blood supply. Sarvangasana helps improve blood circulation and suppresses fluid. It drains blood from the neck and helps nourish the thyroid and reverse hypothyroidism.

3. Ustrasana (Camel)

This condition can also stimulate the thyroid gland by stretching the neck and increasing blood circulation to the gland. Practicing this yoga pose for thyroid can also help relieve spinal problems. It also helps to bring relief to people who have asthma. However, this pose should be avoided in case you have a hernia or ulcers. People with arthritis, vertigo and abdominal injuries should avoid making camel shapes.

4.Su Bandhasana (Bridge post)

Setu bandhasana or bridge pose is an effective yoga for the thyroid, especially hypothyroidism. Stretch the neck and improve thyroid circulation. The condition is also effective in treating asthma, lowering the head and strengthening the muscles. People in the final stages of their pregnancy should avoid making a bridge pose.

5. Halasana (Plow)

This pose helps to stretch the neck and rejuvenate the thyroid glands. However, this pose should not be performed by people with hyperthyrodism because it facilitates the secretion of thyroid hormones. This pose also helps to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles as well as relax the autonomic nervous system.

6. Matsyasana (Fish pose)

Matsyasana or fish pose makes your back arch in such a way that it increases blood circulation to the thyroid gland. This pose stretches the neck and throat and stimulates the thyroid gland. Relieve many conflicts in the area. The situation is created by turning the head. This promotes blood flow to the thyroid gland and is therefore good for people with hypothyroidism. This pose also helps maintain the health of the abdominal muscles and spinal column.

7.Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Yoga treats thyroid gland and forces it to produce the required amount of thyroid hormone to regulate metabolism. It is therefore an effective treatment for hypothyroidism. This posture helps to strengthen the spine, reduce stress and relieve menstrual cramps.

8.Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

This stand is part of surya namaskar which is very beneficial. This pose stretches the area of ​​the neck and throat, thereby increasing thyroid function. It is helpful for people with hypothyroidism. People with back pain or neck pain should also do bhujangasana as it helps to strengthen and reduce muscle mass. Avoid this condition if you have recently had abdominal surgery or have a hernia or ulcers.

Note: People littered with hyperthyroidism should avoid neck-stretching asanas. they must choose breathing exercises like pranayama.

Also Read: Do vegan needs to worry about cholesterol?

Innocent Amara

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