Health & Fitness

What are the Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

What is Ketogenic?

“Ketogenic” is that the name of a low-carb diet (like the Atkins diet). The thought is to induce more calories from protein and fat and fewer of carbohydrates. It cuts down on carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, cakes, and staff of life. Choosing a ketogenic diet for diabetes management offers many important benefits. Studies show that being in a state of healthy eating ketosis leads to significant improvements in blood glucose control and weight loss.

Other common benefits of keto diet includes:

  1. Decreased drug dependence
  2. Improvement of insulin sensitivity
  3. Lower your blood pressure
  4. It usually improves cholesterol levels

In this blog, we review the science behind the ketogenic diet and how it works to provide all of these unique benefits.

Here are 9 benefits of removing milk from your diet:

1 Weight loss and maintenance

The main benefit of a ketogenic diet is its ability to gain weight loss quickly. Preventing enough carbohydrates from being in a state of ketosis leads to a significant reduction in body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass. Studies show that a low-carb, ketogenic diet can achieve strong long-term weight loss. An Australian study shows that obese people are able to lose, on average, 15 kg in a year. This was 3 kg more than the low-fat diet used in the study found.

2 Control of blood glucose

Another major reason for peoplewith diabetes to follow a ketogenic diet is its ability to lower and stabilize blood sugar levels. Carbohydrate is a nutrient (macronutrient) that raises blood sugar significantly. Because a ketogenic diet is much lower in carbohydrate, it eliminates a significant increase in blood sugar. Studies of ketogenic diets show that they are effective in lowering HbA1c – a long-term measure of blood glucose control. A six-month study by Eric Westman and colleagues in 2008 showed a decrease in HbA1c levels of 17 mmol / mol (1.5%) in people with type 2 diabetes. People with other types of diabetes, such as type 1 diabetes and LADA, should also expect to see a sharp drop in blood sugar levels and improve control. Note that if improvements in glucose control are maintained over several years, this may reduce the risk of complications. It is important that anyone on insulin, or otherwise exposed to hypos, takes precautionary measures to prevent hypos. Talk to your doctor for help with this.

3 Reducing dependence on diabetes medications

Because they work so well in lowering blood sugar levels, ketogenic diets have the added benefit of helping people with type 2 diabetes reduce their dependence on diabetes medications. In the study by Westman mentioned above, 95% of people in the study were able to reduce or eliminate their diabetes medication. People on insulin and other hypo-medications (such as sulphonylureas and glinides) may
need to reduce their doses before starting a ketogenic diet to prevent hypos. Talk to your doctor for advice on this.

4 Insulin sensitivity

A ketogenic diet has been shown to help restore insulin sensitivity, as it eliminates the cause of insulin resistance – which is the highest level of insulin in the body. These foods help promote strong periods of low insulin, as low carbohydrate levels mean low levels of insulin. A high-carbohydrate diet is like adding fuel to the insulin fire to withstand high carbohydrate means high insulin requirements and this makes insulin resistance worse. By comparison, a ketogenic diet, lowers insulin levels, as fats are a macronutrient that requires less insulin. Lowering insulin levels also helps burn fat, as high insulin levels prevent fat loss. When insulin levels drop for hours, the body is able to break down fat cells.

5 Controlling high blood pressure

It is estimated that 16 million people live with high blood pressure in the UK. Various health conditions are associated with high blood pressure, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. There is also a feature of metabolic syndrome. Some studies have shown that a ketogenic diet can lower blood pressure in people who are overweight or have type 2 diabetes.

6 Cholesterol levels

Overall, ketogenic diets often lead to improved cholesterol levels. It is common for LDL cholesterol levels to drop and HDL cholesterol levels to rise, which are healthy. One of the strongest steps for healthy cholesterol is the ratio of total cholesterol and HDL. This can be easily achieved by taking your full cholesterol results and separating them by your HDL effect. If the number you receive is 3.5 or less, this indicates healthy cholesterol. Studies show that ketogenic diets are often effective in improving this level of healthy cholesterol. Note that some people may show an increase in LDL and total cholesterol after starting ketogenic. This is often seen as a negative sign but if the total amount of your HDL cholesterol is moderate. This does not mean it improves heart health. Cholesterol is a complex subject and your doctor is a good source of advice if your cholesterol levels are very different from a ketogenic diet. In the UK you should have your cholesterol levels checked at least once a year so that any adverse effects on cholesterol can be detected and dealt with accordingly.

7 Strong mental functioning

Mental clarity, increased concentration and better memory are some of the most widely reported benefits of eating a ketogenic diet. An intake of healthy omega-3 fatty foods, such as those found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, can improve mood and learning ability. This is because omega-3 increases fatty acids called DHA which make up between 15 and 30 percent of our brains. The production of beta-hydroxybutyrate, a type of ketone, helps to support long-term memory function.

8 Reducing desires

It helps you are feeling full for a protracted time, by reducing desire to eat it will help you in weight loss . Thanks to ketogenic diets it can also help lower leptin levels which may improve leptin sensitivity and achieve saturation as a result.

9 Candida

Ketogenic diets may be good at reducing thrush and yeast infections as they lower blood glucose, which lowers blood glucose. It is glucose within the urine where bacteria feed and result in a fertile parcel and bacterial infection. In addition, high levels of fatty acids called saturated fatty acid – found in vegetable oil, a basic keto diet – are shown to own antibacterial properties. It can kill candida albican and help with yeast infections.

Conclusion: Ketogenic diets have positive effects on the diet. As the body gets used to being in a state of ketosis, it tends to gain strength from breaking down body fat and this can reduce appetite and cravings.

Also Read: What are the Benefits of bedtime yoga?


Innocent Amara

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