Training & Yoga

9 Tips for Doing Yoga at Home

Wouldn’t you just love to be someone who regularly practises yoga at home, effortlessly?

Here are the 9 best tips for doing yoga at home, you can get started following the below Exercise.

1. Choose the best time

Practicing yoga in the morning is generally considered to be the best time of the year as it maintains high energy levels during the day. However, you can choose any time that suits you to practice yoga. Practicing yoga in the evening can refresh the mind and relieve stress during the day.

2. Choose a comfortable location

It is a good idea to have a small private room in your home to practice yoga every day. Over time, your performance will create a positive vibration in the room, thus providing healing, strength, and comfort for you and others in the home. Alternatively, you can choose a quiet place anywhere at home, large enough to pull out your yoga mat and where you know it will not be disturbed for a while.

All you need to do is make sure your yoga space is clean, ventilated, and not furniture or sharp objects.

3. Practice on an empty stomach

Yoga posture is always best done on a light or empty stomach. Be sure to keep a 2-3 hour gap between your diet and exercise.

4. Keep your yoga attire easy

Go for loose, comfortable clothing – you wouldn’t want tight, tight-fitting clothes that come in a wide range. Also, set aside any excess jewelry you are wearing and protect against heavy makeup.

5. Warm up before making a strong yoga pose

This is absolutely necessary, otherwise you could be in danger of tightening your muscles. Start by warming up your body and do a few simple exercises to bring flexibility before moving on to a great yoga routine.

6. It is your own body; be gentle with him

Start with simple and easy yoga exercises. Honor your body by walking slowly, or you may injure yourself.

7. Be consistent

It is important that you regularly practice your yoga practice. Making it a part of your daily routine will help turn it into a habit. According to Krishan Verma, Sri Sri Yoga’s head teacher, “20 minutes of daily yoga practice is likely to show good results sooner than two hours from time to time.”

8. Make yoga a ‘family time’

If you exercise alone, it may be tedious after a while, or you may just be lazy. Try doing yoga with your family or friends and make it a perfect place for family reunion.

9. Incorporate different yoga techniques

Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with various forms of yoga and breathing techniques. If time is running out, prepare a set of asanas to be done daily, and treat your body with a complete package on Sunday! Also, be sure to end your yoga practice with Yoga Nidra.

Conclusion: Try these 9 tips for doing Yoga at home, also keep in mind that practicing yoga involves more than yoga asanas. Pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya (if you have done the Happiness program) are also part of the home session.

Also Read:  Yoga for better digestion.


Innocent Amara

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