Training & Yoga

Yoga Therapy for Depression

It is common that sometimes we are under the weather feeling low and either unwilling or feeling demoralized due to depression, and not able to try to do anything. Some experience in this sense intensely over a comparatively long period week, months, or maybe years, and with no apparent reasons either.

Yoga Therapy

Stress are often a significant consider depression. Yoga helps in uplifting one’s mood and relieves stress. In yoga therapy for depression, one learns to stabilise and manage the mood.

Depression or stress affect one’s physical posture and body alignment. Asana practice features a great impact on stabilising the moods. One learns to feel the connection between the body, breath and therefore the mood. Inverted postures bring poise to the brain, which pacifies the central systema nervosum. Forward bending postures are soothing for the mind. Backbends cheers up one’s mood.

When the body is prepared, pranayama helps to open the lungs by learning slow and steady deep breathing. Proper breathing keeps the spine long and also the brain calm.

Further, during depression, stress, fear or anxiety, one tends to carry lot of muscular tension within the body. Practice of yoga nidra (guided meditation) or meditation will release unwanted tensions within the body. Meditation brings awareness and self-realisations, which help in good quality sleep, stable mood and social interaction. Relaxation calms the body and mind; and frees one from agitation, fear and anxiety.

Yoga therapy for depression keeps the mind and body harmonious, creating stability within the mind and a healthy body. To alleviate depression and stress, live an easy and simple life. Maintain a healthy and proper diet.

Yoga helps one to be told to modulate the response of stress. Practise asana and pranayama regularly as they connect and control the body with the moods of the mind. Meditation brings awareness and relaxation

These are few yoga therapy of depression

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana, also called the corpse pose, is one that’s easy to perform yet difficult to master. It’s a superb remedy to beat depression. The pose works on the mind, body, and spirit, channeling energies inwards and seizure over the external factors that influence the body.

This meditative and calming pose explores the state of self-awareness and mindfulness, resulting in deep awareness of the body and feelings of calm and internal bliss. The pose is performed at the conclusion of every yoga session for assimilation and integration of the energy channels within the body to motivate a peaceful, composed, and revived state of being.

How To Do The Corpse Pose

  • Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat.
  • Use a pillow under your neck if needed to be easier.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Rest both arms comfortably some inches faraway from the body, palms facing upward.
  • Keep a proper distance between the knees while pointing your toes outwards.
  • Close your eyes and draw attention to and consciously relax every a part of the body, ranging from the proper foot, right shin, right knee, and so on.
  • After the proper leg, move to the left leg while gradually moving upwards.
  • Keep your breathing slow and relaxed while doing so.
  • Remain within the pose for 10-20 minutes.
  • Proceed to the following pose called Sukhasana (or Easy Pose).

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sukhasanas could be a highly effective asana, or seated pose, for managing the symptoms of depression while healing from within. Sukhasana is additionally the simplest position for practicing an intense level of meditation. The easy pose helps relax the mind, body, and spirit by invoking a way of calm through the complete body and relaxing the brain. It is highly effective in correcting the alignments of the body while channeling a smooth and steady energy flow.The pose should ideally be performed on an empty stomach within the morning.

How To Do the simple Pose

  • Sit on the mat in a very comfortable position together with your legs stretched.
  • Now gently bend each leg at the knee to stay the foot under each knee.
  • Align the torso with the hips, spine firm and straight.
  • Lengthen your tailbone and strengthen your shoulders.
  • Rest the arms on the respective knee.
  • Distribute the weight evenly on each hip.
  • Close your eyes and take deep, relaxed breaths.
  • Focus and center all of your concentration on the guts.
  • As you are doing so, you must feel a way of balance both mentally and physically.
  • The pose has no time limitation.
  • Yoga masters sit during this pose for hours at a stretch while meditating thereon.

Ūrdhva Mukha Svānāsana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)

Upward facing dog is a wonderful pose to open the center and dispel any pent-up negative emotions held within the chest. It regulates the system and brings clarity to the mind and heart. Regular practice of this pose should have you ever feeling more hospitable embrace life and better equipped to house upcoming challenges.

How To Do The Upward Facing Dog Pose

  • Lie flat on your stomach on the mat.
  • Keep the balls of the feet facing upwards and also the toes pointing inwards.
  • Bring both the palms near the shoulder blades and gently elevate the upper body higher while curving the spine smoothly.
  • Use your weight to lift your torso while your palms are used for minimal support.
  • Lengthen the complete body from head to toe.
  • Take deep breaths while holding the pose within the air, face drawn upwards to embrace positivity and hope.

Also Read: Yoga For Reversing Hypothyroidism.


Innocent Amara

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