Health Benefits of Banana
Here are several health benefits of banana are there below.
Healthy Heart
Banana are good for your heart. They are full of potassium, a mineral electrolyte that keeps electricity flowing throughout your body, which is needed to keep your heart beating. High potassium bananas and low sodium content can also help protect your cardiovascular system against high blood pressure, according to the FDA.
If you have a lot of potassium, the chances of your blood vessels becoming harder are slim. In a study, mice with a low potassium diet had stronger muscles than mice that ate a normal amount of potassium. Arterial stiffness in humans is linked to heart disease.
Stress Relief
Bananas can help relieve stress “due to high levels of tryptophan, the body converts to serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that stimulates emotions,” says Flores. Also, vitamin B6 can help you sleep better, and magnesium helps to relax muscles. In addition, the banana tryptophan is well-known for its sleep-depriving properties.
Digestion and weight loss
Bananas are high in fiber, which can help you to stay normal. One banana can provide about 10 percent of your daily fiber requirement. Vitamin B6 can also help protect against type 2 diabetes and help with weight loss, according to Flores. In general, bananas are a great weight loss supplement because they are delicious and filling, which helps to curb cravings.
Bananas are very high in starch resistant, Nutrition Bulletin found that starch-resistant starch can support intestinal health and regulate blood sugar. Starch resistant to increase the production of small amounts of fatty chain acids in the intestine, which are necessary for health.
High Source of Energy
To replenish energy and electrolyte, bananas can be more effective than sports drinks. A 2012 study published in PLOS One looked at male athletes competing in long-distance cycling. Compare the gasoline runners with Gatorade every 15 minutes to the gasoline runners with water and water. Researchers found that the performance times of athletes and bodybuilders were similar in both cases. However, serotonin and dopamine bananas enhance the antioxidant capacity of athletes and help with oxidative stress, improving overall performa.
Improves Vision
Banana contains a small but significant amount of vitamin A, which is important for protecting your eyes, maintaining normal vision and improving night vision, according to the National Institutes of Health. Vitamin A contains substances that keep the lining around your eyes and are a protein that brings light to your corneas. Like other fruits, bananas can help prevent macular degeneration, an incurable condition, which impairs central vision.
Good for Bones
Bananas may not be high in calcium, but they still help keep bones strong. According to researchers in Physiology and Biochemistry, bananas contain high levels of fructooligosaccharides. These non-dietary carbohydrates promote probiotic-ready digestion and improve the body’s ability to absorb calcium.
Conclusion: Banana has lots of Health Benefits in our day-to-day life, It is one of the natural sources of Protein and Energy. We should try to have a regular intake of Banana in our life.
Also Read: Here are some Health Benefits of Almonds.