Diet & Weight Loss

Green tea for weight loss in winter

Green tea has gained widespread attention worldwide as a weight loss product, making it the second most popular beverage, after water because of its nutritional value and antioxidant, greens tea is associated with several health benefits, including weight loss. It has been used for years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments.

There are not many options if you want to lose weight. Combine alcohol-resistant training, and you’re on your way to a very cold fat burner!

If it is cold outside and you want something warm to wrap the palms of your hands, pass hot chocolate and prepare yourself a cup of green tea. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this ancient drink can strengthen your car, helping you burn more fat as you look at the stove.

Drinking green teas regularly can increase the number of calories you burn each day and help you reduce the weight of the process. Sounds like a miracle drink? It could be. People have been drinking them for at least a thousand years, so you must be getting something!

Studies show that green teas can help increase the effects of your resistance training. Green tea is a major source of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which improves the body’s cellular system for burning fat by increasing body fat.

Drinking tea can increase the number of calories you burn each day.

How much and when should you have green tea

Drinking 2 to 3 cups of green teas in one day is enough to add weight loss, recommends a study by the University of Maryland Medical Center. The exact amount will vary from person to person depending on their natural body.

How does green tea help you lose weight?

Metabolism is a process that allows the body to convert your food and drink into useful energy. Green tea is said to be good for weight loss as it helps to improve the body’s metabolism. It contains catechin flavonoid, an antioxidant and stimulant. A study published in 2010 found that green tea supplements containing caffeine or catechins had a small but positive effect on weight loss programs. Regular exercise and a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables are a very effective weight loss strategy. But green tea when used next to these methods can increase the positive effect.

How much green tea should you drink to lose weight?

Drinking 2 to 3 cups of green teas in one day is enough to add weight loss, recommends a study by the University of Maryland Medical Center. The exact amount will vary from person to person depending on their natural body.

How to intake ?

The amount of EGCG you get from green teas varies from 45-180 milligrams per bag. To get the EGCG you need, drink several cups of green tea each day. Soak the tea 3-4 minutes before drinking. Hot water does a good job of extracting EGCG from the tea itself.

Greens tea is also available as an ingredient, which usually contains about 50 percent EGCG. The extract form contains higher concentrations of EGCG compared to what you would find in a tea form. If you’re not a tea fan, consider going this route.

The right way to prepare green tea

Speaking of enjoying the taste of green teas, how your brew can make a difference. Do not overheat the water, as overheating will damage the catechism. For best taste and effect, boil water and let it rest for ten minutes. Then pour it over the tea leaves and drink it for a minute before removing the leaves.

A good time to drink green tea to lose weight

To lose weight, you can have greens tea after your meal. But you should do it if you do not have a sensitive stomach because green tea is naturally alkaline and stimulates fluid in the upper abdomen.

Conclusions: Experts recommend green teas in the morning and evening. People with sleep problems should avoid drinking green tea near their bedtime.

Also Read: Extensive Health Benefits of Lemon!

Innocent Amara

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