Ayurveda & Home Remedies

Bloating: Meaning, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Preventive Measures


You must have heard many of your friends and family members talking about bloating problems. Or even you might also be suffering from bloating.

In simple terms, bloating is the state of feeling full, bulky, or overloaded. There may be some severe underlying conditions accompanied by bloating that might trouble your wellbeing. Those who feel bloated quite often might be suffering from certain conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux. Triphala Churna is considered to be effective in reducing bloating or bloated stomach and other problems associated with it. Additionally, lavan bhaskar churna has also been described as an efficacious medicine as per various Ayurvedic doctors.

How to reduce bloating, or how to get rid of bloating, or some other set of questions might have been in your mind while reading various health articles. Here’s a one-stop solution to all your concerns related to bloating and bloated sausage.

What exactly is meant by bloating? 

What is bloating? This question is asked quite many times because there’s a misconception among people regarding the list of causes and symptoms occurring due to bloating. Bloating refers to a condition that makes your stomach feel tight, bulky, and full. This happens mainly because of the unusual production of gas and the inability of the body to jettison it. 

As bloating is mainly concerned with the enlarged appearance of the belly, people often mistake it with certain other types of conditions. The more noticeable belly can be misunderstood as looseness, or laxity of the gastric wall. This misunderstanding quite commonly happens with the cases of older women and the ones who have given birth.

It’s highly important to diagnose the actual condition in order to undergo the right treatment at right time. Examining a toned stomach can simplify the detection as to whether the gut is filled with food or stool. 

What are the main causes of bloating? 

What causes bloating in the stomach? To answer this question, a thorough evaluation of gut health is necessary. Various health experts state constipation to be the major cause of bloating. A person can be constipated and yet not understand it evidently. A general perception of constipation is that one gets fewer bowel movements as compared to normal norms. However, constipation can be detected with various other signs such as: 

  • Excessive pressure applied while starting and finishing the motion 
  • Stool appearing like lumps and rocks 
  • Feeling that your stomach is not empty even after motion 

Constipation causes bloating as well as many other health problems including abdominal pain and gas. When the stool stays for more time in your colon, the bacteria ferment over there and cause the problems of bloating and gas

Apart from constipation, reasons for stomach bloating include: 

Gastroparesis: Difficulty and delay in emptying your stomach is the main sign of gastroparesis that leads to nausea, bloating, and also blockage of the bowel. 

Gut sensitivity: In Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), there may emerge chronic susceptivity to the gas and diarrhea, pain, and cramping. 

Gynecological conditions: Complications in ovaries or uterus also give rise to bloating. For being on the safer side, always get your pelvic area examined annually. 

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO): In typical situations, a healthy person’s small intestine has relatively fewer bacteria. However, the ones who have had a history of intestinal surgery or are suffering from IBS accompanied by diarrhea are quite often at a high risk of having SIBO. This condition eventually leads to bloating. 

What does Ayurveda hold to ease your bloating problems? 

According to Ayurvedic texts and prescriptive measures, a good digestive state is a key indicator of a person’s overall wellbeing. The structure of this ancient medical practice emphasizes majorly on gut health and countless ways for its treatment. Persistent bloating, gas, abdominal pain are some of the concerning signs that your digestion is not in a good state and needs immediate medical care. 

Yoga for bloating is also recommended because of the amazing results provided by a yoga practice in strengthening abdominal functioning.

Ayurvedic medicines for reducing bloating:

Certain Ayurvedic medicines can be used for faster reduction of bloating and other health problems linked to it. The best ones include Triphala churna and lavan bhaskar churna. Let’s explore the health benefits of each of these churna:

  • Triphala Churna is considered a panacea for the treatment of numerous diseases. In the context of bloating problems, we would mention that this medicine shows incredibly positive results because of the mild laxative properties contained in it.
  • Lavan Bhaskar Churna contains sea salts and Sochal salt as the main ingredient in it. The “Lavan” means salt and it truly justifies the name of this medicine. Lavan Bhaskar churna is highly useful in the treatment of stomach bloating or abdominal bloating, constipation, indigestion, gas problem, abdominal pain, spleen diseases, cough and cold, hemorrhoids, fistula, and respiratory conditions.

Ayurveda has plenty of natural ways and home remedies to bring your gut health to a good state and make you get rid of uncomfortable gas as well. Some highly useful tips to be followed when suffering from abdominal bloating and other of its related symptoms: 

Have only cooked foods in your diet 

According to Ayurveda, your digestive health is based upon the functioning of fire (Hydrochloric Acid) present in your stomach. It works on the principles like that of a physical fire. Therefore, it focuses on pre-cooking or pre-heating your food so that your digestive fire is not burdened with extra work. 

The concept of “predigest” does wonders in alleviating your overall wellbeing. Your body gets food that already has a component of fire in it. Contrarily, when you eat raw food, your body needs to work more to process that food and it might reduce its efficiency to extract optimum levels of nutrients from the food. 

Include healthy and digestive spices in your meal 

Ayurveda mentions the use of certain healthy species to ignite your digestive fire to an ideal level. When these spices are added in adequate proportions to your food, they aid your digestive function to work greatly.  

Specifically, freshly chopped ginger, ajwain (carom) seeds, hing (asafoetida), fennel seeds, cumin seeds are powerful and effective digestive spices. 

To cook your food with these spices, put some ghee into the pan, heat it up, and then add ½ teaspoon of ajwain, fennel, and cumin seeds followed by a tiny pinch of hing. Add some freshly chopped ginger if you want. Blend this mixture for about 30 minutes and it’s ready to be added to your meal. 

If you don’t prefer to cook these spices, you can still avail of their benefits by creating a table spice with a mixture of all the above ingredients. 

However, those suffering from acid reflux should consult a doctor before including ginger and hing into their diet. 

Chew slowly and attentively 

Chewing the food is considered a highly important procedure in Ayurveda. This is quite a simple step yet many people ignore it and later face various health issues. If you don’t chew your food properly, your digestive function might suffer severely. It’s simple to understand, the more crumbled your food would be, the easier it would become for your stomach to digest it and extract the highest concentration of nutrients existing in that food. 

Ayurveda mentions chewing every bite of your food at least 30 times for a healthy body. There are various scientific logics behind this simple step. Ayurveda mentions three “doshas” (bioforces) that define our health and disease profile. One of those bioforces is Vata dosha which regulates the movement function of your body. To keep this dosha in a healthy state, one must avoid immediate movement and physical activities after eating food and sitting in front of the computer screens. Otherwise, this dosha might get imbalanced and create problems in your body. 

Mindful eating accompanied by a straight sitting posture and slowly chewed bites followed by three to four minutes of no physical movement can bring tremendous benefits to your digestion. 

Eat fennel seeds to enhance digestive power 

Fennel seeds mixed with rock candies do wonders in enhancing your digestive power. In Indian culture, people often eat fennel seeds after the intake of lunch and dinner because of their amazing health benefits. 

You can add ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds along with an equal quantity of rock candy and avail the benefits of this natural herb. It provides relief in acid reflux, after-mealtime bloating, and gas problems and enhances digestive power.

The bottom line

Bloating is linked to the optimum functioning of your abdominal health. One must take adequate care and measures to control this health problem. If you don’t find improvements happening with home remedies, then seek medical help from experts such as Vedi Herbals. The team of Vedi Herbals contains highly experienced doctors and healthcare products manufacturers.

Vedi Herbals provide incredibly efficacious medications that work on the root cause of your disease for delivering permanent results. We believe in permanent healing and therefore you’ll find all our products to be extracted from natural ingredients. Visit our store for ordering Ayurvedic medicines effective in bloating problems.

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Innocent Amara

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