Health & Fitness

5 Pranayama Exercises to Get Started

Breathing is an important part of yoga. Here are some of the best pranayama exercises you can do to stay healthy physically and mentally.

Founded in India, yoga is an ancient tradition. Many cultures are practiced all over the world and have become a popular form of exercise. Yoga is not just a form of exercise but another form of treatment. BKS Iyengar, a well-known yoga specialist, said, “Yoga is like music. So the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create songs of life. ”Breathing exercises are an important part of yoga. The practice of controlling the air is called pranayama. You should practice pranayama exercises very early in the morning on an empty stomach. So here are some breathing exercises you should do.

1. Bhastrika Pranayama

How to do it: Start with sitting up straight and cross-legged. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed. Take a deep breath through your nose to fill your lungs. Now, inhale deeply with a sigh of relief. Do this for about five minutes or 21 times. Also, try to do it twice a day.

2. Baking Pranayama

How to do it: Sit in a padmasana with your hands on your knees. Keep your spine and shoulders relaxed but straight. Insert and remove normally a few times. Then, inhale, hold for as long as possible and exhale. Increase the amount of time you hold air inside your lungs.

3. Simhasana

How to do it: Start with your knees, knees, and ankles. Your feet should point. Now, pull with your nose and exhale with your mouth by opening your mouth wide and sticking out your tongue. Your tongue should be toward your chin. While exhaling, exhale the ‘ha ’sound. Do this a few times and relax.

4. Rigi Mudra Pranayam

How to do it: How Migi mudra holds your fingers. Therefore, turn your middle finger and index finger and press down on your thumb. Keep some of your fingers stretched. Use your right hand in the mudra if you are a right-handed and left-handed person if you are a left-handed person. Now, sit on the padmasana and keep your back, shoulder and neck straight. So if you are a person with a right hand and use your right hand to get mud, bring your right hand near your nose and use your pinky to cover your left nose. Pull inside right and close your right nose with your thumb to get out of your left nose. Do this about five times and relax.

5. Kapalabharti Pranayam

How to do it: Sit in a padmasana or in a comfortable place with legs. Keep the spine, shoulders, and neck in a straight line. Keep the palms of your hands on your knees. Now, take a deep breath and exhale with a short squeeze of your abdominal muscles. Also, try to do about five breaths by inhaling one breath. Finally, increase it to 10 breaths per breath.

Conclusion: These breathing exercises will help keep your lungs healthy and protect you from respiratory problems. Do this every morning to enjoy the benefits.

Also Read: Yoga & its types that all of you must know!


Innocent Amara

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