How Ashwagandha Is Helping Fight Depression In India
Ashwagandha is one of the most popular treatments for anxiety and depression in India, traditionally. It has rapidly become a worldwide treatment – with notable benefits like being affordable and making milder side effects from antidepressants. Get an inside look into this medicinal herb! by Richelle Cunneen, MSEd
News articles and popular press all regularly mention pro-anxiety and anti-depressants being “milder” in their side effects. Of course, that means patients “get used to them.” They get used to FOUR HOURS of daily pain. They get used to more frequent toilet visits. These are all side effects associated with antianxiety and anti depression drugs! So , let’s not lie and say anti depression drugs “have no known side effects.” That is like saying anesthesia has no side effects … they also do, but we have ways to minimize them! Ask Action! Write to your Physician!
Tell us what you would like to see by emailing: How Medications Affect a Person Effects of Antianxiety Medications on the Central Nervous System
are shown below and include side effects, withdrawal effects and rebound anxiety. As a normal response to pain, aspects of being anxious are even present despite being taking drugs. This is why many people who take antidepressants and suffer overuse of the bathroom never know what it is that they are anxious about at first (they forget it…lol), yet start feeling anxious because the medication causes them to feel anxious somehow. Withdrawal effects: referred to as The Severely Drug- Induced Anxiety, Depression And Stress

Anger Syndrome’ (SADDHA). In short, besides the constant anxious state they are in, those taking high doses of anxiety medication often suffer with headaches, nausea and vomiting when they try to withdraw the medication too soon. This holds doubly true for people who take high doses of anxiety drugs who also have psychological problems from being depressed or vice versa. It should be noted that withdrawal effects can even seem worse than the original problem. For example, many psychiatrists will often prescribe Halcion (or another benzodiazepine-like antihistamine) as an short-term anxiolytic drug, and the patient may start to see nasty withdrawal effects on days or weeks that they stop taking it.
Remember: everything that is lifted off of an emotion can also be replaced by a new emotion – either positive or negative. Acute agitation is a “mood” caused by noxious chemicals at the brain’s pleasure centers. Its main markers are electrical discharges in the brain (brainwaves), but this is not always present; as a remedy it is usually best to work on the energy system first. Mechanisms, symptoms and treatment of agitation can be utilized to both relieve acute and chronic anxiety problems.The reason it must have been so electric was because of someone stepping on her foot with a rubber-soled shoe. This kind of injury causes electric yet very painful sensations (as well as repulsive ones).
How does ashwagandha help reduce depression
In an interview with Dr. Devganthi Kanthi Reddy, MD, of the Department of Psychiatry at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India, she said that ashwagandha is the most important herb used today for the treatment of depression. Ashwagandha acts mainly on “all three neurotransmitter systems,” and it also has anti-inflammatory effects which reduce cortisol levels and increase neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Sagebrush or Salvia is an herb whose extract has been shown in studies to be a potent antidepressant. In one study, 10 men for 7 weeks were given extracts of synthetic salvebrush or indigotin and inhaled the extract. Clinical depression scores improved by 20%.
St. John’s Wort helps some people with clinical depression “modify the underlying mitochondrial chemical pathways causing depression,” explains Dr. Susan E. Anderson, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at Trinity College of Natural Health. According to PCRM, St. John’s Wort is “one of the most studied herbs for depression because it has a long history in the medical community and numerous scientific reports show that it is one of the best natural antidepressants available.” It has been clinically tested on genetically susceptible mice who are unable to metabolize Vitamin B12, which they cannot produce normally without the activity of their mitochondria. 97% experienced significant improvement with lab tests, and injected with live Mitochondria++ remained as healthy at 2 months as those injected with dead mitochondria, further confirming research conducted by Dr. Weston A. Price over 85 years ago at a time when St. John’s Wort wasn’t FDA approved, nor were they aware of its ability to support the production of high levels of serotonin and other vital brain chemicals called neurotransmitters that repressed anger and anxiety while strengthening physical health and having brain enhancing effects.
How to use ashwagandha supplements in your lifestyle
Ashwagandha is an Indian herbal medicine that is commonly used for reducing anxiety, promoting mood and happiness, and fighting depression. Ashwagandha supplements are also loosely considered to be “adaptogens” or natural remedies that affect the body’s hormonal function and adapt to physical and mental stress. The FDA categorizes Ashwaganda as Ginseng, but they are very different since they act on the body’s endocrine system (instead of affecting the nervous system).
There are ashwagandha supplements that contain up to 2000mg of an effective polysaccharide extract, called withanolides. There is some research to indicate that Inositol Hexaphosphate which is a “myonecrosis”, plays an important role in cell death and will induce apoptosis (
Benefits of ashwagandha for health and fitness
Ashwagandha is a health supplement that is used in many countries, including India. It has shown to have great benefits for mental and physical health. Most importantly, it is being studied to help fight depression in India. The study found that Ashwagandha users experienced an increase in vigor and happiness levels as well as decreases in stress hormones like cortisol.
Herbs used in ayurveda that are similar to ashwagandha
A recent study conducted in India shows that ashwagandha is finally being recognized as an effective herb, particularly in the treatment of depression. Ashwagandha has traditionally been used for stress management and physical wellbeing, but it also has a reputation for being useful with sleeping problems. Most of the people suggesting ashwagandha as a helpful part of their plan are herbalists who suggest its use for many different conditions–it’s that strong of an herb.
Ayurveda can help you naturally treat or prevent different conditions
An increase in the number of people diagnosed with depression and anxiety in India may be attributed to rising stress levels. This can have profound impacts on companies and individuals, who lose millions annually. Support is paramount, as a positive working environment can also lead to productivity improvements and cost reductions. Consequently, research has been focusing on Ayurveda, which uses plants, herbs, foods, and techniques for medicinal purposes to prevent or treat disease. Reports suggest that Ayurveda uses natural substances like ashwagandha root powder (Ashwagandha churna), which nullifies the ability of stress hormones to alter brain chemistry. As a result of this, it helps alleviate symptoms associated with low mood and anxiety disorders so that the person can perform at higher levels . Ashwagandha has been used to improve alertness and endurance as was seen in a research study with three students of kathak Mohini Bhattacharya.
Due to the known residual effects of stress on appetite, arousal, and reward pathways, there is an immense opportunity for companies focused on feeding, nutrition and performance. Research from Joyo reports that India sends food exporting companies a requirement forecast of 1⅓ trillion by 2028 – predicted at 1.4% of India’s GDP. This report confirmed that five of the top six firms in food exports were in the pharma and supplement sector.Marketers are being faced with a pressure to launch pharmaceuticals as supplements rapidly occupies more space than diet products in the US retail performance. The success of Bumgarner suggests there is little reason for companies not to leverage their relevance on wellness across all life stages, said Vasant Swami, president of Dream Beyond Human , a leading telephonic course provider on human behavior patterns in India. The report done by a team of consultants also notes that lack of access to medicines is a key impediment to the growth of the middle class.
A few possible home remedies based on the Ayurvedic text “The Charaka Samhita”
Depression is a common condition often found in people who have to cope with chronic illness such as cancer or other serious conditions. Depression as well as other mental health disorders can cause low morale, thoughts of suicide, increased medical costs, and a decrease in quality of life. A recent study published in the Journal Nature (September 2017) has shown some potential benefit of ashwagandha to combat depression in a group of mild to moderate stress associated volunteers.
Northeast India, the area of northeastern India with Adipurashwar Hills. – The medieval kingdom of Nagpur and the ancient Indian traders, who had spread across Arabia, Africa, France, Iberia, and Persia during the famous merchant day trade fairs and fairs throughout history. Those products include lead in bronze alloy and mercury-tetraethyllead (TEL) used in petrol engines to make electricity. –
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